Posts Tagged ‘ Tulsa Snow ’

Stay Active Even in a Blizzard

Whoa, being snowed in for seven days has been….well, interesting. It is amazing how much my motivation went out the window when you don’t have a car and you can’t leave your house without wadding through 14 inches of snow! And don’t forget people, we live in OKLAHOMA. This much snow is a record for our state. Usually we are lucky if we get 3-4 inches in one sitting here in T-Town, but 14? Sheesh. They were actually calling it The Snowcalypse of 2011! Cars were littered all over the street, buses were stuck blocking entire intersections and most grocery store shelves were completely picked clean.

Fortunately, we were able to get out one day (when the temp was above negative 6 degrees) and have a little fun. As you can see by the 10 foot tall igloo in the picture above…we had a blast. Which brings me to the theme of today. Even when the weather isn’t perfect, or cooperating at all, you are stuck inside due to a blizzard, or any other natural disaster that could be messing up your days there are always ways to stay active and keep your body going.

A few ideas to keep you active in the next Snowcalypse you encounter:

1. Shovel your driveway, and the neighbors (if they deserve it).  If you have a weight vest, even better! Strap that baby on and see how fast you can get it done.

2. Have a massive snow ball fight. It could be with your kids, neighbors, friends, whatever. Nothing gets your heart beating more than running from or chasing someone with an arsenal of snowballs. Talk about a good time.

3. Attempt some new recipes you wouldn’t have time for regularly. I found myself stuck inside with a lot of extra time on my hands, what better way to spend the day then trying that new Paleo Pumpkin Cranberry recipe I have been eyeing (pictures/post to come)

4. Do a few WODs in your house. Not all workouts need weights, you can do a great workout with nothing but your body. Try: 10 rounds – 10 burpees (click here to see how a burpee is done) and 20 sit-ups. Time yourself and see how fast you can get it done.

5. Rocky it up! Pile on the clothes and try for a neighborhood 5K. (make sure you have some nice sweat pants for your attire to really get you in the mood.

So there you have it. 5 fun ways to stay active when the weather tries to keep you in. Check back soon because I will be posting my the results of my Snowy Paleo Muffins!


Stay Active, Stay Healthy, Stay Warm, and smile!